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WHO媒介生物监测与管理合作中心 WHO Collaborating Centre for Vector Surveillance and Management
• 基本信息(General information)
• 2012年10月22日,WHO任命中国疾控中心传染病所媒介生物控制室为“世界卫生组织媒介生物监测与管理合作中心”,刘起勇研究员任合作中心主任,任期四年。On 22 October 2012, the World Health Organization(WHO)designated the Department of Vector Biology and Control of National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention (ICDC), Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) as the WHO Collaborating Centre for Vector Surveillance and Management. Prof. Qiyong Liu was designated as the director of the CC for a four-year term.
• 2020年10月,合作中心成功续任,刘起勇研究员连任合作中心主任。On 22 October 2020,the CC was re-designated by WHO, Prof. Qiyong Liu was redesignated as director of the CC, and the third term will be until October 20, 2024.
• 中国农业农村部公共卫生杀虫剂检测评估资质单位。Certified public health pesticide evaluation inspection unit of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.
• 中国病媒生物监测控制国家级中心。National center for vector surveillance and control in China.
• 超过20次公共卫生和应急救援,超过38次出访交流,超过40次来访培训。More than 20 times public health and emergency rescues, more than 38 times visiting abroad, and more than 40 times visiting & training in China.
• 在疟疾、登革热、基孔肯雅热、黄热病等蚊媒传染病及鼠疫等鼠传疾病防控,地震、海啸、水灾、泥石流等公共卫生应急救援方面具有丰富经验。Rich experience in control of malaria, dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever and other mosquito-borne diseases, plague and other rodent-borne diseases, and earthquake, tsunami, flood and other public health emergency rescue.
• 提出了“媒介生物可持续控制”理念并被WHO技术指南引用。Put forward Sustainable Vector Management (SVM) and it was cited by WHO technical guidelines.
• 通过经合组织(OECD)公共卫生杀虫产品药效评价GLP认证,成为我国首个公共卫生杀虫产品药效评价国际GLP实验室。OECD GLP Compliant Facility with recognition area as Efficacy of Insecticidal Products by the Standard Council of Canada (SCC).
• 主题(Subject)
• 媒介生物学及控制 Vector biology & control
• 病毒性出血热 Viral hemorrhagic fevers
• 除了上述内容之外的传染病 Communicable diseases other than those specifically mentioned
• 活动类型(Types of activity)
• 培训与教育Training and education
• 会议等的事件组织 Organization of events (e.g. conferences; summits)
• 产品开发(技术指南;手册;方法)Product development (guideline; manual; methodologies; etc.)
• 责任官员(Responsible Officer)
• 技术官员(Technical Counterpart)
• 主要职责(Terms of Reference, TOR)
TOR1: 同WHO协商并在其指导下,提供昆虫学监测(包括杀虫剂抗药性监测)、媒介控制技术指导,根据媒介生物综合管理和可持续控制原则,制定同WHO工作匹配的媒介生物传染病控制和消除区域工作计划 (In agreement with WHO and under its guidance, provide technical support on entomological surveillance including insecticide resistance monitoring, vector control for vector-borne diseases (VBDs) and drafting regional plans of work on the control and elimination of VBDs based on principles of integrated vector management (IVM) and sustainable vector management (SVM) in line with WHO’s work).
At WHO’s request and under its guidance 应WHO请求并在其指导下:
a) to participate in the review and development of IVM and SVM handbook, training modules and M&E framework organized by WHO and at country level; 参与WHO和国家层面的评阅和制定媒介生物综合治理(IVM)和媒介生物可持续控制(SVM)手册、培训模块、监测与评估(M&E)框架;
b) to implement IVM and SVM principles and approaches in vector-borne disease control in China and document case-studies (1949-2020) in line with WHO’s guidelines; 根据WHO的指导方针,在中国媒介生物传染病控制中实施IVM和SVM原则和方法,总结建国以来案例研究(1949-2020);
c) to promote IVM and SVM through agreed communication channels;通过约定的沟通渠道,推广IVM和SVM;
d) to provide technical support to WHO on vector surveillance and control of vectors and pests of public health importance, including pests of public health importance, including mosquitoes, rodents, ticks and fleas, as and when necessary. 在必要时向WHO提供媒介生物和具有公共卫生重要性的害虫的监测、控制技术支持,包括蚊虫、啮齿动物、蜱和蚤等。
Expected deliverables预期可交付成果
• Establishment of vector surveillance and monitoring in China and other countries where capacity is build. The activities to be performed by the WCC are in no case related or leading to the development and issuance of qualifying diplomas (e.g. MA, MSc, PhD) or delivery of courses offered as part of an established degree programme. The WHO name and emblem my not be used on certificates of attendance, diplomas or similar awards to participants in training or other courses organized as part of a WHO CC’s work plan. Technical reports need to be prepared and sent to WHO.
• 在中国和其他国家建立病媒生物系统监测和监测能力。合作中心将开展的活动在任何情况下都不涉及或导致文凭(如文学硕士、理学硕士、博士)的授予和颁发,或不作为既定学位课程一部分。世卫组织的名称和徽章不得用于参加作为合作中心工作计划一部分组织的培训或其他课程参与者的参与证书、文凭或类似奖项。合作中心需要编写技术报告并提交WHO。
Activity timeframe: 2021-2024; 活动时间表:2021-2024
TOR2: 应WHO请求,开展培训并制定以控制媒介生物传染病和虫媒病毒病防控为目标的媒介监测和控制培训模块 (As requested by WHO, conduct training workshops and drafting training modules on vector surveillance and control for the management of vector-borne and arbo-viral diseases).
At WHO’s request and under its guidance应WHO请求并在其指导下:
a) to provide technical assistance for the annual training workshop in the Africa and Asia regions based on agreed work plan and approved projects plans; 根据商定的工作计划和核准的项目计划,为非洲和亚洲区域的年度培训讲习班提供技术援助;
b) Support WHO in selection of national and international participants and facilitators and utilize existing WHO publications and training modules for training. 支持WHO选择国家和国际学员和协调员,利用WHO现有出版物和培训模块培训。
Expected deliverables; 预期可交付成果
• Capacity built in at least 6 countries during the period. The activities to be performed by the WCC are in no case related or leading to the development and issuance of qualifying diplomas (e.g.MA, MSc, PhD) or delivery of courses offered as part of an established degree programme. The WHO name and emblem may not be used on certificate of attendance, diplomas or similar awards to participants in training or other courses organized as part of a WHO CC’s work plan. The measurable output would be the number of workshops organized per year. 在此期间,至少在6个开展能力建设。合作中心将开展的活动在任何情况下都不涉及或导致文凭(如文学硕士、理学硕士、博士)的授予和颁发,或不作为既定学位课程一部分。世卫组织的名称和徽章不得用于参加作为合作中心工作计划一部分组织的培训或其他课程参与者的参与证书、文凭或类似奖项。可衡量的产出是每年举办的讲习班的数量。
Activity timeframe: 2021-2024; 活动时间表:2021-2024
TOR3: 应WHO请求,加强同其他媒介生物传染病相关的合作中心合作,在中国代表区域开展研究和培训 (At WHO’s request, strengthen collaboration with other WHO Collaborating Centres related with VBDs, and undertake research and training base in representative region in China).
At WHO’s request and under its guidance应WHO请求并在其指导下:
a) to carry out joint action and promote information sharing and exchange among these WHO Collaborating Centres and establish the Vector Surveillance and Management research and training base in varying climate zone such as tropical region in China.开展联合行动,促进WHO合作中心间的信息共享和交流,在中国热带等不同气候区建立媒介生物监测和管理研究与培训基地。
Expected deliverables; 预期可交付成果
• Harmonized reporting of all activities done by vector biology and control collaborating Centres and sharing of expertise. Reports of joint activities should be prepared and shared with WHO.
• 统一报告合作中心开展的所有活动,并分享专门知识。应编写联合活动的报告,并与世卫组织分享。
Activity timeframe: 2021-2024; 活动时间表:2021-2024
TOR4: 应WHO请求,必要时提供鼠类及体表寄生虫和鼠传疾病控制技术支持 (At WHO’s request, provide technical support for control of rodents, ectoparasites and rodent-borne diseases, as and when necessary).
At WHO’s request and under its guidance 应WHO请求并在其指导下:
a) Provide technical support on rodent borne disease control; 提供鼠传疾病控制技术支持;
b) Support the identification of rodents and common ectoparasites in the region; 提供本地区啮齿动物和常见体表寄生虫鉴定支持;
c) Develop appropriate training materials on these topics in collaboration will WHO;与WHO合作就上述主题编写适当的培训材料;
d) Support the translation of select WHO publication to Chinese. 支持WHO出版物翻译为中文版。
Expected deliverables; 预期可交付成果
• Training materials and reports of work in assigned countries. The activities to be performed by the WCC are in no case related or leading to the development and issuance of qualifying diplomas (e.g. MA. MSc, PhD) or delivery of courses offered as part of an established degree programme. The WHO name and emblem may not be used on certificates of attendance, diplomas or similar awards to participants in training or other courses organized as part of a WHO CC’s work plan. 在指定国家的培训材料和工作报告。合作中心将开展的活动在任何情况下都不涉及或导致文凭(如文学硕士、理学硕士、博士)的授予和颁发,或不作为既定学位课程一部分。世卫组织的名称和徽章不得用于参加作为合作中心工作计划一部分组织的培训或其他课程参与者的参与证书、文凭或类似奖项。
Activity timeframe: 2021-2024; 活动时间表:2021-2024
1. Certificate of Recognition OECD GLP GLP依从性实验室认证证书
OECD GLP依从性实验室认证证书 Certificate of Recognition